The Order of Confederate Rose is an independent Southern heritage organization. Individual chapters are sponsored by a local SCV camp. Begun in Alabama in 1993, our primary purpose is to assist our Southern brothers - the Sons of Confederate Veterans in their projects and activities. An operational guide has simple rules every state agrees to, however this is a Confederation, believing in States' Rights, therefore each states' officers are the administrators of that state, not a national board. The rules are few and that allows us to add many of our own projects to those that support the S.C.V. We do not require the genealogy of some other organizations but most all our members can proudly name off many Confederate ancestors. The O.C.R. promotes the honorable memory of the Confederate soldiers, Southern symbols, Southern flags, true history, and true Southern heritage. We study, do programs at schools, museums, and festivals. We honor those who served in the War with dedications, memorials, setting flags, and even gravestones. We have given financial support as available to many Southern causes. Some are reenactors, traveling to battlefields and spend time dressing as our ancestors, attending "Teas", living the personas of ladies from the past, and cheering on the boys in gray. Some of the members wear leather and ride motorcycles. There are chapters to fit the interest and styles of the members. The O.C.R. is a family organization where men and children as well as ladies are among our ranks. If you bleed gray you can be one of us!
If you have male members in your home or chapter, please ask them to consider joining the SCV -
dial 1 (800) MySouth or online at The South needs all her sons.
If you have male members in your home or chapter, please ask them to consider joining the SCV -
dial 1 (800) MySouth or online at The South needs all her sons.